Waynesville , GA
Driving Status:
Experienced Driver
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Donna M. On The Web
Happily Married will be 27 years in August. Have six grown children and 8 grandchild. Have driven a school bus for the past 4 years and really sick of it. I love big powerful trucks. Can’t wait to get out on the road. Have lived a life of doing for everyone else and fulfilling others demands and now I just want to challenge myself. Want to be appreciated when I decide to come home and not just cause I’m always here. Sounds selfish, however it’s time to be.
Posted: 11 months, 3 weeks ago
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Prime presented me an Excellence Award Tonight!!
I saw the pictures! You were gorgeous as all ways!
Posted: 1 year, 5 months ago
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Get a spouse ! Adventure might work out better! Geez for real.
Posted: 1 year, 6 months ago
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Dang what a surprise! Congratulations on your new adventure!
Posted: 1 year, 7 months ago
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Smoked weed 5 months ago can I get cdl
So the truth. Staying clean to pass the test and 3 months later when company pops a test . Bye,bye cdl !
The point is not to pass the test. The point is to live a lifestyle that the test isn't even a concern.
May sound hypocritical coming from a musician who lived the opposite lifestyle, but by the time I started my trucking career, I hadn't had any substances in my body for years.
Now, I understand that life throws us curve balls, the thought process needs to change though. Rather that trying to game the system, it's about changing your life.
Posted: 1 year, 8 months ago
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There are times I prefer to park on the on ramp. Especially if it's later in the evening when the vultures are circling the truck stops.
Guess I don't qualify as a professional driver then.
Posted: 1 year, 8 months ago
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Sometimes I have to run my truck when I use my microwave/air fryer. Building up pressure and releasing didn't cause moisture problems in your truck?
I had one, it worked freaking amazing on my first truck.
Second truck? Exact same setup, exact same inverter, literally the same appliance grade extension cord. I can't even get my 900w microwave to run 5 minutes on 30 percent power, so I have thrown pretty much everything off the truck. So frustrated right now.
Posted: 1 year, 8 months ago
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Does it actually build pressure like a pressure cooker. Can you boil eggs in it?
I have a multi cooker, which is like an instant pot, just a different brand. I use it to cook rice and stews. I have also cooked pasta in it. I use the sauté function to brown meat for the stew, and have also used it for sloppy joe. It’s a nice appliance to have on a truck.
Posted: 1 year, 8 months ago
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Gay/Lesbian/Trans drivers at McElroy
Okay so I totally enjoyed NaeNae's statement! She told it exactly right. !!!Now I will laugh under my breath at a guy with a messy bun! Looks stupid!
I talk like this in real life too!
Honestly there are a few topics that strike a nerve, big time, and this is one of them. I reigned it in from what I REALLY wanted to say.
NaeNae, we can always count on you to tell it like it is.
Many times In colorful language. Lol
Posted: 11 months, 3 weeks ago
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Rest Areas / Truck Stops Full - Eclipse!
I had left Memphis headed up I-55 . In 8 hours I only drove 255 miles traffic was horrible. It got pretty dark in Missouri.